Evolution & God’s Existence

It is very surprising to note the increasing number of people who believe in Evolution and say that there is no God. The Communists even got to the extent of killing those who confess a faith in God because religion, Karl Max said, is the opium of the people.

The Evolutionists are by far more interesting. They claim that the universe comprising of billions and billions of stars each millions times the size of our planet came from some explosion of gasses the source of which they said is a mystery. This explosion they call the Big Bang.

Mind cannot comprehend the volume of the gasses of the Big Bang theory which they claim came about by chance.Of course, they have a way of dogging that issue—it happened several billions of years ago! Well, no one is yet to demonstrate even in a miniature how gaseous explosion can result in the rich mineral mass like our planet, not to think about the fact that explosions result in destruction not construction; and to think that complex intricate designs like us and our planet came out of chance over a period of billions of years require more faith than to believe in God.

Doubts & Questions

When people deny the existence of God, it is either they are angry, confused, querying the evils or disasters on our planet or are simply gluttonous and at ease. Hardly do you get the poor claiming to be atheists.

The Christians are yet to have a scientific model of creation; but it is sufficient to see the Evolutionists contradicting and self-correcting themselves too often, with several erroneous and questionable carbon dating; in fact a living animal was once dated to have died millions of years ago! Carbon itself doesn’t live that long. Apart from the fact that there is no living evidence that humans originated from apes and apes from lesser animals, (all there unbelievable evidences are dead and must be dug up in the form of fossils) the fact that the source of the gasses of their Big Bang theory is described as mystery is enough proof that God exists. In fact, mystery is the definition of God.

The Christian God however, does not go out of His way to prove that He exists. His word says that His creations are enough proof. He is a person that is entitled to His principles, and the Bible is proof that He is a principled God. He once assisted Israel to wipe out the Canaanites but warned them sternly that if they repeated those people’s extreme wickedness He would do the same to them. Israel did and He wiped them out of the land too.

The Bible says fools say there is no God, and truly so. To start with, atheism is a grim denial of the spirit realm and if you grew up in typical Africa and Asia and in fact, in some part of the USA and Europe you surely know that there is a realm beyond the physical. Is it not laughable that man is searching the universe with telescopes trying to locate God that the Bible says is a Spirit?

The Spirit Dimension

Bible says that spiritual things are spiritually discerned and we cannot conclude on spirituality by physical rationing. Apart from that, what is their answer to all these undeniable miracles, accurate prophetic words, divine guidance and provisions if there is no God? Even Satan has his Witches, Palm readers and stuff that use familiar spirits to give accurate fortune telling. Have you ever come across a Witch that says there is no God or Satan?

The man who led me to Christ was a powerful Magician that had traveled the world without visa or airplane. He would just go to a cemetery, lay on a tomb of a person whose parents’ name he knows and command his spirit to carry him to occult meetings anywhere in the world, and that’s it. He always returned to his bedroom after such meetings. Have you met before people who don’t even know the way to any airport but that can describe to you different parts of the world?

An Atheist by the name of Dr. Tai Solarin, an agriculturist cum Educationist and Social Critic once lived in Nigeria. But the year he died, the God he denied told one of His own sons by the name of Rev. Emmanuel Osakwe who also carried it in his church magazine that year that Tai will die by the middle of the year and warning him to repent; he did on June 27, 1994 without reconciling with his God.

What every one of these gangling hosts of Atheists should know is this: our universe is not the only universe! As immense and incomprehensible as it is, it’s a tiny dot compared to the spiritual universe. When we died we are not destroyed like they believe but only change form from physical to spiritual. We exit this physical universe to a spiritual one. That spiritual universe cannot be seen by physical telescopes. The spiritual has that advantage over the physical, it can see the physical but the physical cannot see it.

The Evil Proof

Atheists’ main contention is the presence of evil and natural disasters on earth; how can someone who owns the earth and all of us be so unconcerned and uninvolved? His perceived inactivity is held as proof that He doesn’t exist; a lame argument to start with. Even if we assumed this is true which of course is not, how can someone’s lack of interest be a proof of His inexistence?

Furthermore, these Atheists remove from God the rights they confer on themselves—the rights to personal principles and preferences. God says in the Bible that His ways are diversely different from ours; He further told Samuel that He doesn’t see as man sees.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55: 8, 9)

7 But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” (1 Sam. 16: 7)

But the Atheists say, if He exists then He must think like us, see like us, act like us and talk like us; simply put, we His creatures must be the basis, frame of reference and determinants of His nature and character. How tragically stupid!

Again, what they didn’t comprehend is that what brought about evil is also the source of good—free choice. Free choice is the livewire of evil but there also can be no love without free choice. It forms the basis of judgment again otherwise why punishing an offender? That is why criminals get away with their crimes if it is proven that they have psychiatric problems because their actions were no longer stemming from free choice.

Well, alternative to that is a world without free choice; a world under absolute autocracy—no love and no evil; you cannot be yourself and must not have personal problems. You are simply programmed to act, move and talk. Will a God of love create such a world? No absolutely.

But what about the evils natural disasters wreck? Why would God allow that too? Well, in Gen 1: 28 while God was commissioning Adam He warned him that the earth would revolt against him. He then commanded him to subdue the earth. What is ‘subdue’ other than to force to comply? We are to study the elements and bring wisdom and force to bear on them thus controlling them. However, God does use disasters to punish people that exhaust grace. He overthrew some cities in the Bible and I believe He still does that today. Some disasters however, are manmade and we all know what carbon emissions are doing and can do to our planet.

Oh but while would a God of love send hurricanes and cyclones to poor people. My first response to you is to ask Him yourself. My second response is simple: He is not only a God of love but a God of justice as well. The Bible calls Him a Judge and a God that recompenses and rewards. Sorry if Preachers have taught you otherwise; at times they are so eager to win you to their church that they stamp on the truth or employ half-truths. My last response is that from my experience and traveling, the worst of wickedness are found among poor people. That people are poor does not mean they are godly; in fact, wickedness is the root of a big chunk of abject poverty today.

The Solitary God

Our own God is unique. He is a person unlike the Hindu impersonal gods. He is a Father unlike the Muslim God that doesn’t have children but slaves. He is a healer also unlike the Islamic God. He does not cover evils no matter who is involved. His Holy book recorded the good and evils of His most holy and favored men and women. He doesn’t respect persons or bend His word.

Perhaps you look at Christians today and conclude that there is no God because they fail to measure up to His standard. You surely have seen Ministers who denounce homosexuality but themselves were caught in it. I bet it that you have seen Church folks living as ordinarily as all others and committing same sins. I admit that you cannot be a true Christian without the Spirit of God or how would you shun sins and the pleasure of sins? These things are seriously tempting. Human fallibility is no disproof of God’s infallibility or existence.

My God will not go out of His way to prove His existence. He loves faith in Him so much that you can’t see His glory without first believing in Him. He is different from the worldview that says “seeing is believing”; His son told us, “If you will believe you will see the glory of God”. When Christ rose up for example, He didn’t show Himself to one person that did not believe in Him! That is my God. If you believe in Him however, you will see His glory and know without any ray of doubt that He exists. No one has ever seen an electron but no reasonable person doubts its existence again because we all see what it can do. So even in the physical realm, we don’t believe only because we can see.

Ignoring Scientific Evidences

One major trait of Atheists is their closed mindedness which rightly makes Atheism and Evolution another religion is that they will always ignore facts about God’s existence. Evolution remains a theory as it remains yet to be proved. Therefore, I expect them to acknowledge some scientific facts of creation if they are not actually working towards an answer. Scientists work on questions to get results as no one can work on doubts. Are they not supposed to probe these evidences of creation if indeed they have not made up their mind based on a theory that is not proven?

They are often very fanatic in their belief as if it has been conclusively proven. They know they surely need a very old universe for example to support their Big Bang theory which is in fact only the most popular of several theories of evolution. Therefore, any scientific evidence of a younger earth like the decaying magnetic strength of the earth and the lifespan of comets is just thrown into the trashcan of assumptions and other assumptions to cover earlier ones; thus treating it as not worthy to be investigated.

Atheism is a negation of Anthropology which affirms it to be true if a story is common to several races on earth. Anthropologically speaking, God exists because there is no race on earth without the belief that God exists. If He doesn’t how come all these people scattered all over the earth believe He does even though they have different views of Him?

Finally, I want to close by saying that if you have God nothing else matters and if you don’t have God nothing else matters. If you say that there is no God then you are right as long as you are on earth because He will never appear to you. One day is coming though when you will stand before Him to render account and I guess some folks will only know the truth when it is too late and at death.

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, Rom. 1: 21-22

To the faithful you show yourself faithful, to the blameless you show yourself blameless, to the pure you show yourself pure, but to the crooked you show yourself shrewd. (Ps 18: 25, 26)

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