Miracles Of Christ (in Biblical Order) (Exercise: can you join together all the confessions in this Bible on the miracles of our Lord Jesus Christ and see how powerful it…

Prayer Lessons On Hezekiah Prayer is a double edged sword. It transforms us from darkness to light and lifts us from ­ignominy to glory. Your prayer can also shake the…

Prayer Lessons On Hannah Hannah’s life illuminated some deepest truth on the subject of prayer. Through her travails and victory we learn one of the greatest reasons God answers prayers…

How To Build Your Prayer Confessions Undoubtedly, every child of God that is worth the name must be an avid reader of the Word of God because the Scripture suggest…

Praying through Giving The Old Testament was full of animal sacrifices, different types of offerings, compulsory tithes and building of personal altars to the Lord that were effigies of things…

I have identified nine types of curses needlessly ravaging people worldwide because Christ has delivered us but many are held bound due to ignorance and sin. You have to stand on your freedom and point your confessions at these if you are afflicted.

“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;”

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