Habakkuk Chapter 1(Part)   2 Immediately, I call for help, the Sovereign Lord answers and comes to my rescue. 3 He will not let me look at injustice; such misery…

Nahum Chapter 3 1 I am blessed; I am not bloody but full of truth, full of kindness, full of good works and never without beneficiaries. 2 Always lending hands,…

Micah Chapter 3 1 I am a leader among the people; I do jus- tice and know right from wrong. 2 I love good and hate evil; I nurture the…

Jonah Chapter 3 1 The word of the Lord comes to me and I obey at once. 2 The Sovereign Lord gives me my mes- sage; I am a voice…

Obadiah  1 The Sovereign Lord reveals secrets of grace and judgment to me. 2 The Lord has made me big among the nations; I am utterly respected. 3 The Lord…

Joel Chapter 2 1 The word of the Lord comes to me. 2 I enjoy unprecedented grace and tender mercies of God. 3 My children key into it and my…

Hosea Chapter 1 1 The word of the Lord comes to me every time and every season; I yearn for the word of God and it comes to me. 2…

Malachi Chapter 3 (part) 1 The Lord is a master planner; He prepares His way before He moves, His coming may be sudden but His ways are always well prepared….

Zechariah Chapter 1 (Part)   1–2 The word of the Lord comes to me;the Lord enlightens me about the past.   3 I stay with the Lord Almighty, and He…

Haggai Chapter 1 1–3 Like Prophet Haggai, the word of God comes through me to give directions and revelation to His people. The heaven is open on me and I…

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