THE ART OF PRAYERS INTRODUCTION: The spirit world rules the physical.  Nothing ever happens, good or bad in the physical except it has been first settled in the spiritual.  There…

‘OCCUPY TILL I COME’ INTRODUCTION Evangelism is the greatest business in the world.  Every other business, profession or vocation a Christian engages in must add up to evangelism else, it…

TEMPTATIONS AND PERSECUTION INTRODUCTION: God has not promised a trouble-free sail through life.  He, however, said that we will have a constant bout with evil but that our victory is…

THE CARDINAL DOCTRINES INTRODUCTION: The cardinal doctrines are those Bible truths a person must accept and practice before he can enter the kingdom of God. This is a litmus test…

MEDITATION INTRODUCTION The world has two types of human beings: the divergent and the convergent. The divergent ones have a very low level of concentration as their minds wander a…

SPIRITUAL WORLD Introduction There are two spiritual kingdoms: God’s kingdom and Satan’s kingdom. Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscience, all wise and all knowing, God created all things and He has the power…


GOD Introduction The Bible is different from any other religious book in the world. It is not an ideological book of religious principles or philosophy. The Bible is a proclamation….

ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF CHRIST Introduction The book of Hebrews chapter six mentioned some basic principles of Christ that can be rightly called the summary of Christian faith. The Principles The…

THE SECOND BIRTH Introduction: In the Garden of Eden Adam sold out to Satan and thus fell. Man lost the nature of God and received that of the devil. God…

REPENTANCE Introduction Repentance is a total change of mind, attitude and conduct from a sinful lifestyle to God’s lifestyle. It is the prerequisite to salvation and forgiveness from God. Without…

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