Scriptural Confessions for Unfaithful Partner

Father I thank you for founding the marriage institution for our blessing; it is a covenant of help that fosters love, peace, culture, the fear of God and pleasure. I thank you for my marriage to (Mention your wife/husband name), and I am grateful for our children (name), your heritage entrusted to our care.

I submit to you who hate divorce and violence at home according to Malachi 2: 15-16. You had also commanded that no man deals treacherously with the wife of his youth. I have accepted your marriage ordinance that a wife submits to her own husband and that the husband must love his wife as our Lord the Christ loved the church and offered Himself to die for the church. Therefore, on (put date of marriage) at (put venue) at about (put time) my husband (Mention your wife/husband name), the son of (put his/her father’s name) and (put his mother’s name) entered into a holy covenant of marriage with me to have and to hold in all circumstances till death do us part.

We have lived together under this blessing until (put time) when, to my knowledge, he started to be treacherous with me, the wife of his youth, to the extent that he is committing adultery with other girls, one of whom is/are (put name or names); to the extent that he is now seeking divorce contrary to God’s word and my wont. However, I have sincerely kept my own part of the covenant to the best of my ability; I love my husband and want our daughter (put name) to grow up as God ordained under the watch of her father and mother.

I therefore, appeal to you who is the Almighty, the God of the helpless, the Source of life and Ruler over the universe; I appeal to you the author of marriage who rules in the affairs of men. I appeal to you who said “as many as call upon me shall be delivered.” I appeal to you who said in Isaiah 54:17 that no weapon forged against me shall prosper and that every tongue that will rise up against me in judgement I shall condemn. I stand here under your authority and shadow to make this pronouncement; in loyalty to your Word oh Lord I pronounce:

(Mention your wife/husband name), son of…and…; you consciously, willingly, joyously entered into a holy vow of marriage with me on……You exchanged the following vows with me. You vowed that…and I vowed that…

However, you have become treacherous with me and contrary to our holy vow you are now doing the following against me:…
However, I have been keeping my part of the vow and have made the following efforts to reconcile with you (state efforts) but you have been unresponsive and irresponsible. Therefore, I declare that I will not let you go, will not share you with another woman or women and will not hold you guiltless for your atrocities.

I hereby decree that you will have no joy, know no peace, enjoy no time until you come back to me your true and only wife according to God’s ordinance. I hereby decree that all your ways are blocked, all your favors are removed and that you continue desecrating our holy vows at the risk of your health and well being. Let (name of the girl) become socially leprous, let her beauty, her ungodly and ravishing software depart from her. (Her name), your points of attraction to my husband is striped away from you. (her name), because you are an agent of sorrow and family breakage, you will not have the health, the beauty and the means to continue with my husband or to break my home. I decree that the Lord God of holy matrimony whom you have scorned and defiled will keep you too busy with problems to make me pay for your good time.

You my in-laws, (mention their names) who have become Satan’s agent of family breakage; I pronounce over you today that the God of holy matrimony will fight against you on my behalf. The sorrow you plan for me will describe your lives and existence. You will not go further; the Lord will deliver my husband from your snares and traps. I hereby take (Mention your wife/husband name), away from you in accordance with God’s holy Word that a man will leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and become one flesh with his wife. Marriage is not my design and it is not to my blame that my husband bonds with me; therefore, I have not offended you in anyway or by any means. You are the one that crossed God’s holy line and touched the Lord’s anointed in my person. Your hypocrisy is hereby exposed, denounced and judged. You are hereby pronounced socially leprous.

You foul demons and agents of darkness; you who have confused my husband and reduced him to a stinking and heartless adulterer. You who have made him a practicing family deserter; let the fire of the Holy Spirt fall on you now. Let your judgement be heavy and unbearable. I destroy your stranglehold on him and uproot all your arrows fired at his soul. Your actions violate the word of God and marital plans for me. Because my Lord Jesus Christ have destroyed your power over my life, because He has favored me and lifted me up, because I am seated in Christ at the Right-hand of God the Father in Heavenly places, I hereby exercise my authority in Christ over you: I command you to depart from my husband/wife, (Mention your wife/husband name), son of…and…Let his sanity be restored to him. Let him regain his mind and decency. Let him begin to think of me now. Let my love begin to burn intensely in his heart now.

(Mention your wife/husband name),  my darling husband/wife, I call you back to my loving arms now, to my bosom and trusted care. Come back to me for I will not let you go. Your fathom divorce proceedings is hereby stalled and totally destroyed. It shall not continue because you shall not be strong enough, bold at all, healthy enough to push it through. None of the demons shall have the strength to push it through. No girl will be healthy enough to push it through. No official will have its attention or drive to push it through. This pronouncement I have made under God and in accordance to His holy Word. Amen.

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