Scriptural Confessions for the Fruit of the Womb

Scriptural Bases: Genesis 1: 28; 21: 1-3; 25: 21-22; 29: 31; Exodus 23: 22-28; Deuteronomy 7: 12-15; Jude 13: 3; Ruth 4: 10-15; 1 Samuel 2: 1-2; Psalm 113: 7-9; 127: 3-5; Isaiah 54: 1-8; Luke 1: 13-17, 30-38.

  • Blessed directly by God, I am fruitful and I multiply. I fill the earth and subdue it. I dominate and rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living thing — spirit or flesh — that moves on the earth. (Gen. 1: 28)
  • The LORD is gracious to me as He had said; the Lord keeps His word and performs for me what He promised.
  • I (My wife) shall become pregnant and bear a girl (or a boy, set of twins, etc); (put their names here) to (my husband) me. The Lord redeems my time; I overtake those faster than me. God’s promises give me speed to run; I am propelled by the invincible power of God. The impossible happens in my life. I am fully backed up, supported, enabled and power-packed by the self-existent Spirit of the Lord God Almighty (Gen. 21:1-3).
  • The Lord answers my prayers on my wife/husband; therefore, she/he cannot be barren but fruitful.
  • I enquire of the Lord alone and He answers me; He does not keep me in the dark on happenings in my life (Gen. 25: 21-22).
  • The Lord is jealous for me; He defends my cause and upholds my rights. The die is loaded against those who stand against me.
  • Leah gave birth four times straight before taking a break; the God of Leah is my God and I shall not be barren but fruitful (Gen. 29: 31-35).
  • Because I listen carefully to what He says and do all that He says, He is an enemy to my enemies and opposes those who oppose me.
  • His angel goes ahead of me and brings me into an ordained placement in Christ.
  • I worship the LORD my God, and His blessing is on my food and water. He has completely taken away sickness from me,
  • and I will not miscarry or be barren. He will give me a full life span.
  • He sends my terror ahead of me and throw into confusion every camp of the devil in my path. He makes all my enemies turn their backs and run.
  • He sends the hornet ahead of me to drive every evil spirit and their collaborators out of my way (Exo. 23: 22-28).
  • Because I pay attention to His word and carefully follow it, the LORD my God keeps His covenant of love with me, as He swore to my forefathers of faith.
  • He loves me and blesses me and increases my numbers. He blesses the fruit of my womb/body…
  • I am infinitely and overtly blessed; none of my children will be childless, nor any of my “livestock” without young.
  • The LORD keeps me free from every disease… (Deut. 7: 12-15)
  • Angels of the LORD, not demons, appear to me. I am not sterile or childless. I conceive easily and bear children safely. I have sons and daughters.
  • I give birth to great children set apart to God from birth, and they will lead sinners to the saving knowledge and power of the gospel of Christ.
  • My children are dedicated to the Lord their entire lifetime…
  • My children increase in stature and are blessed of the LORD.
  • The Spirit of the LORD lives in them and stirs them (Jud. 13: 2-25).
  • My name will not disappear from among the family of God or from His kingdom records.
  • It is the grace of God; my wife is (I am) made like Rachel and Leah, who together built up the house of Israel.
  • I have standing in “Ephrathah” and I am famous in “Bethlehem”.
  • Through the offspring the LORD gives me, my family is like that of Perez, whom Tamar bore to Judah.
  • The LORD enables (my wife) me to conceive, and she/I give(s) birth to children effortlessly.
  • The people praise God because of me; my children shall be famous throughout the body of Christ.
  •  (Ruth 4: 10-15).
  • Those who were full hire themselves out for food, but I hunger no more. A child of mine is worth seven, but they raise many ordinary sons and pine away (1 Sam. 2: 1-5).
  • The Lord raised me from the dust and lifted me from the ash heap;
  • He seats me with princes, with the princes of the people.
  • He settles me in my home as a happy mother of children. Praise the LORD (Ps 113: 7-9).
  • Blessed am I; my quiver is full of them. I am not put to shame when I contend with my enemies in the gate.
  • My children are the Lord’s heritage and my reward from Him.
  • Like arrows in a warrior’s hand are my sons born in my youth (Ps 127: 3-5).
  •  I sing as a mother in waiting, I will surely bear a child; I burst into song, I shout for joy, I will soon be in labor; because “more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband,” says the LORD.
  • I will enlarge the place of my tent, stretch my tent curtains wide. I will not hold back but lengthen my cords and strengthen my stakes.
  • For I will spread out to the right and to the left; my descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities.
  • I am not afraid; I will not suffer shame. I fear no disgrace; I will not be humiliated. I will forget my present challenges and remember no more the reproach of my past.
  • For my Maker is my husband — the LORD Almighty is His name — the Holy One of Israel is my Redeemer; He is called the God of all the earth.
  • The LORD has established me as a wife most pleasant and buoyant in spirit — a wife who married young and remained favored.
  • The Lord will never abandon me no matter how brief; with deep compassion He sustains me.
  • In a surge of fondness every second, His face shines on me; with everlasting kindness, He lavishes compassion on me as my LORD and Redeemer (Isa. 54: 1-8).
  •  I am not afraid; my prayers are answered. I am fruitful and shall not be barren.
  • My children (put their names here) are a joy and delight to me, and many will rejoice because of their birth.
  • They are great in the sight of the Lord and are filled with the Holy Spirit.
  • Many of the people of the world will they bring back to the Lord their God.
  • They are wired in the Spirit and power of God and ministering before Him…
  • The chosen priest on duty doubted God in His presence! I shall not consider it incredible for God to redeem my time; He dwells outside time and, therefore, will rewind it or fast forward it for me; if need be.
  • I shall not serve the punishment of doubt in the presence of God; I am expecting the greatest miracle from God. Because I know Him to be boundless in power and love for me; I consider nothing too difficult for Him or too good for me.
  • Elizabeth became pregnant in her old age; the God of Elizabeth will open my womb/loins and fill my mouth with laughter.
  • The Lord has done great things for me. In these days, He has shown His favor and taken away my disgrace among the people.
  • Many virgins were in Israel in the time of Mary mother of Jesus; but she was chosen. I am the one chosen by God for special and extraordinary favor.
  • I am highly favored! The Lord is with me.
  • I am not afraid; I have found favor with God…
  • Elizabeth, relative of Mary, had a child in her old age; I shall have my own children because the God of Elizabeth is my God.
  • For with God nothing shall be impossible for me.
  • I am the Lord’s servant. It happens to me according to the word of God (Lk 1: 13-17, 30-38)
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