Rebuking The Marriage Breakers

Divorce is becoming fashionable even among Evangelicals and no region of the planet is immune to it. It is easy to blame the devil for everything but reality is that there are many things we are doing wrong that must be corrected apart from rebuking the devil who exploits opportunistic problems to break marriages. The more educated and industrialized a nation becomes the more problems the homes confront. It is sad today that people break God’s laws by just cohabiting and civil rights have turned to extra-rights. Let us look at some problems confronting homes today:

1.      Stress: I believe that stress is # 1 killer of marriages today. Modern system of living entails that both couples leave home for work in the morning when they are their best and return home in the evening when they are their worst. Well, no one is good when stressed up.

2.    Separation: Married couples are often separated by relocation or work transfer away from home, into another city or nation. Again, there are couples living together but who hardly see each other as one leaves for work when the other is returning home. Separation breeds unfaithfulness and dangerous independence of thought.

3.    Acculturation: When couples relocate from a developing nation to a developed one, the usually new-found freedom and power of women in the West is a home breaker. Some women often fail to see that not all virtues expected of them in their culture are tantamount to bondage. Often times, the men fail to adjust to new reality leading into home breakages among them.

4.    Societal ethics & norms: What you see and what you hear affect you. TVs, movies, and other news media celebrate divorce today. In fact, it is being celebrated in the church too; often time, a divorcee is celebrated for walking out of an abusive marriage. No one should advocate for such a marriage, and divorcees shouldn’t be rejected but no one should be celebrated for divorcing nonetheless.

5.    Impotency & infertility: male impotency and infertility are becoming rampart today for many medical reasons; for lack of space, kindly check this out on the net. Impotency can break any marriage and infertility is a marriage breaker among Africans.

6.    Drugs & violence: this is straight forward. How many drug addicts can keep their homes? Drug abuse and violence are Siamese twins.

7.    Sexual unfaithfulness: we live in a sexed-up society and most marriages today are riddled with sexual unfaithfulness. Sadly, there are couples who today practice sexual orgies in their homes. Again, there are sex manipulators who lurk about luring people into sexual immorality.

8.    Money: the love of money is the root of all evil. Both lack of money and a lot of money do break homes today. Only few families don’t quarrel on monetary issues.

There are more reasons for family breakdown today. I challenge you to add them to the above and develop confessions that none of these will break your home. However, remember, it takes more than prayers for your home to work; you must endeavor to make it work by doing things and not doing some things. However, there is no excuse for moral failure and we shouldn’t take lightly what our Father hates; He hates divorce.

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