Revelation Chapter 7

1 I know who controls the winds; I know the prophecy of the four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, hold- ing back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree.

2–3 I know that the sea and the land will be harmed but that the beloved of God will be sealed by the living God. I know my God and I know who I am in Christ; I know there shall be calamities but I also know that I am a protected species.

4–8 In the act of divine reshuffling and repositioning, I am favored and not demoted. Jacob demoted Reuben deservedly via a curse, but Moses re- instated him via a blessing. Joseph placed a higher blessing on Ephraim the younger over and above Manasseh the older. However, Ephraim proved himself unworthy and God said “let him alone.” Finally, I can see interplays of offences, curses and blessings and their end results: when 144,000 would be sealed for safety in Israel, Reuben bounced back, Manasseh finally dislodged Ephraim and Dan disappeared to make way for Reuben! I shall not desecrate myself like Reuben or live unworthy of my blessings like Ephraim or disappear from listing like Dan. My position shall not go to another; I am favored like Judah, the one who holds the scepter.

9 I know that I am not alone in the contention for the faith delivered to the saints; I belong to the largest family in the universe, diverse but united in Christ — a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language. I know that my Savior’s throne is a place of worship and celebration of sweetest victory; when the saints shall stand before the throne and in front of the Lamb, everyone wearing white robes and holding palm branches in his hands.

  1. February 6, 2023

    Dear administrator, Your posts are always well-balanced and objective.

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