
 1 The Sovereign Lord reveals secrets of grace and judgment to me.

2 The Lord has made me big among the nations; I am utterly respected.

3 The Lord is my pride and I am satisfied; I live in Him and He lives in me. Who then can bring me down to the ground?

4 If I soar like the eagle and even make my nest among the stars, His faithfulness remains with me and I am secure.

6 I am a beloved of God; I will not be ransacked like Esau and my hidden treasures will not be pillaged like him.

7 I don’t keep toxic relationships; I am led by the Holy Spirit, I will not be blindfolded by friendship to fall into traps.

10 I am a vendor of peace; I shall not reap violence or be covered with shame or go down to destruction.

11 I am my brother’s keeper; I am not a traitor or a betrayer of brotherhood. I shall not use the weapon of the enemy to register my displeasure with anyone in the Body of Christ.

12 I shall not gloat over a brother in the day of his misfortune, or rejoice over the people of God when they are kissing the mud, or boast at all in the day of their trouble.

13 I am succor to the brotherhood in times of trouble; I don’t take advantage of people’s misery or amused by their pains and suffering.

14 I am not vindictive; I will act as no one’s nemesis…

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