Micah Chapter 3

1 I am a leader among the people; I do jus- tice and know right from wrong.

2 I love good and hate evil; I nurture the people and bound up their wounds;

3 The fear of the Lord is my sojourn description on earth; I bind up the wounded, nurse the casualty and strengthen the weak and the needy.

4 Therefore, when I cry to the Lord, He answers me instantly; the almighty does not hide His face from me because I fol- low His word.

5 I serve God and not my belly; I will not corrupt the gospel of Christ for material gains.

6 The night will never close around me, cutting off my visions, or will darkness cover me, shutting down my insight. The sun will not set for me; I will not cease to be a prophet or go down into spiritual blindness.

7 I will not be a seer put to shame or a disgraced Prophet. I will not lack an answer from the Lord because He will not hide His face from me.

8 As for me, I am filled with power, with the Spirit of the Lord, and with justice and might, to declare to nations salva- tion from sin, to the world the grace of God in Christ…

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