Mark Chapter 1 (Part)

2–5 John came, in fulfillment of the word and purpose of God; I am here no less. I shall keep God’s word and fulfill His pur- pose in my generation.

7–8 I know my place and assignment in the body of Christ; I am not an impostor and will not touch the glory that belongs to God.

10 I see the revelation of the Son of God; I have gone beyond doubt that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and my Lord and Savior. I heard the voice of God confirm- ing and asserting the glory and purpose of God.

12 The Holy Spirit drove Jesus Christ into the wilderness, contrary to His mind; I shall always yield to the Holy Spirit like Him. I am controlled by the Holy Spirit; He sends me to my divine appointment places; He guides me and leads me in the path of righteousness. He is not my adviser but my commander-in-chief; His words are my laws.

13 From obedience to victory over Satan to being surrounded by wild beasts to the care of angels; the path of obedience is the path of victory, wisdom and spiritual bliss. It is the path I walk.

15 I don’t have a message of my own; Jesus Christ is my message. I am a preacher of His gospel and His kingdom.

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