Luke Chapter 14 (Part)
1–6 I stand for the truth. I will not bend backwards to please the hypocrites and the ignorant. I have no craving for the praise of men. I will not keep silent in the face of injustice and creative suffering. My hand is an extension of Christ’s; the dropsy sufferer jump for freedom at my touch.
7–11 Wisdom is the better part of honor; I carry myself with wisdom and dignity comes to me. They exalted themselves and were humbled; I humble myself and am exalted.
12–14 I am working to be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous; therefore, I do things differently. I honor the poor and bless the needy; I serve those that can’t repay because the Lord repays for them. I think bigger and see farther; my eyes are set on eternity values and not the transient earthly gains and prestige.

15–24 I will dine with the Lord at His banquet table; another person will not take my place. I shall not ignore the Lord or fail to please Him. Excuses are not part of my character.

25 I take every opportunity to preach Christ; I shall not be guilty of keeping quiet while the people take the road to damnation…

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