Judges 1 (Part)

1 I seek the face of God and enquire of Him; I don’t act independent of God.
2 I go at the instance of God; success is mine even before my arrival. The Lord has given the mission field into my hand.
3 I believe in the unity of faith among all of God’s children; I am my brothers’ keeper. My help is available and my love is instant for God’s cause. I stand in debt to the Body of Christ both in love and in service.
4 When I preach the gospel of Christ, the LORD gives demons and diseases into my hands and I dislodge them from the people’s lives without stress.
7 I carry out God’s purpose and execute God’s justice everywhere I go. No demonic spirit escapes God’s judgment at my hands.
10 I am always advancing in God’s service to win souls for Christ; I enthrone the kingdom of God in the lives of the people….

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