John Chapter 1 (Part)
1–2 The Lord Jesus Christ is my Captain and Commander-in-Chief; He is more than worthy of my trust and I need not cross-check on Him. He is perfectly God; He has no beginning or end of days. He is the Word of God and was with God in the beginning of when God wants us to know; He was God with God by Himself — the mystery that now governs my life absolutely.
3 Through Him I was made; He is the maker of all things and nothing was created without Him.
4 In Him is my life; His life is my light.
5 The light is a mystery to the darkness shinning in the darkness. I have the light and I understand it.
6 I am a man/woman sent from God; my name is (put your name).

7 I am on earth as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through me all men might believe in Christ.

8 I am not the light;I am a witness to the light as well as a ray in the beam.

9 Jesus Christ is the true light that gives light to me and every man in the world…

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