Jeremiah 1

2–4 The word of the Lord comes to me always; I operate prophetic wisdom and, therefore, know the mind of God on past, current and future events.

5 Before the Lord formed me in the womb, He knew me; before I was born He set me apart; He appointed me as His prophet to the nations.

6 I know how to speak for the Sovereign LORD because He puts His word in my mouth.

7 I go to everyone God sends me to and say whatever He commands me.

8 I am not afraid of them, for the sovereign Lord is with me and rescues me, so declares the LORD.

9 The LORD has reached out his hand and touched my mouth and thereby put His words in my mouth.

10 He has appointed me over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant through the gospel of my Lord Jesus Christ.

11 My eyes are open by the word of God; I see through God’s eyes perfectly.

12 I see correctly into the Spirit realm by the grace of God, because the sovereign Lord is watching to see that His word is fulfilled.

13 My eyes see by the word of God; I enjoy the ministry of God’s word.

14–16 The Lord reveals His secrets to me; I know of God’s judgments on the rebellious well ahead of time. I have the benefits of prophetic foresight; I envy no one because I see the end of arrogance and wickedness.

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