Haggai Chapter 1
1–3 Like Prophet Haggai, the word of God comes through me to give directions and revelation to His people. The heaven is open on me and I am not in the dark concerning the mind of God and His purposes in my generation.

4 I shall not promote my personal comfort over and above the gospel of Christ and God’s purpose for my life.

5 I give careful thought to my ways.

6 I have planted little, but have harvested plenty. I eat out of the abundance. I drink to my fill. I put on clothes to delightful warmth. I earn wages that are blessedly multiplied by the Lord.

7 I give careful thought to my ways.

8 I favor the cause of the Lord and keep my body, which is His holy Temple; the Lord takes pleasure in me and I am honored.

9 I expected little, but it turned out to be plenty. What I brought home, the Lord multiplies, because of the grace of Christ and my commitment to the cause of the Lord.

10 Therefore, because of me the heavens have released their dew and the earth its crops…

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