Galatians Chapter 5 (Part)

1 It is for freedom that Christ has set me free. I stand firm, then, in my freedom; I don’t let myself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery to laws and customs.

2 The Lord Jesus Christ is my all in all; I need nothing else to be right with God. I will not squander Christ’s hard-won gift of freedom on a rule-keeping system and religiosity.

3 I will not trade the advantages of the free life in Christ for obligations of the slave life of the law.

4 I will neither fall out of grace nor be jus- tified by law; therefore, I don’t attempt to relate to God by works.

5 But by faith I eagerly await through the Spirit the righteousness for which we hope.

6 For in Christ Jesus neither religion nor disregard of religion has any value. The only thing that counts is faith express- ing itself through love.

7 I will not stop running the good race; no one will cut in on me or keep me from obeying the truth.

8 I don’t lend myself to external forces of Satan.

9 I will not allow any yeast of false teach- ings in my dough.

10 There is a penalty for causing confusion in the Body of Christ; therefore, I shall not be guilty of it.

11 I will not sacrifice the truth on the altar of public acceptance, political correct- ness, user-friendliness, or earthly suc- cess. I will not compromise my stand to accommodate the widely held theory of moral relativity. I will not avoid persecution by begging the question on the fact that Jesus Christ alone is the way to God. I will not dodge the offence of the cross.

13 I am called to be free. But I don’t use my freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, I serve others in love…

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