Daniel 2

 1 The Lord God Almighty engineers my promotion; He creates bottlenecks to lift me up; I see God in every trouble and I know that nothing devalues my worth before God and man.

5 My promotion is firmly decided by God; what is their trouble is my own blessing and path to the top — because of the Almighty that lifts me up far above every challenge, every disaster and every misfortune.

11 Nothing is too difficult for me; because the Almighty lives in me and He is a revealer of secrets.

14 I speak with wisdom, tact, discretion, forethought, foresight and hindsight; I have the grace to speak to every situation and character involved appropriately.

15–17 When you quit on yourself, you also quit on God; therefore, I will not quit on myself or limit my God. Daniel dared to face a mystery like David dared Goliath; I am in their mode; no mystery is too high for me to know and no Goliath is too great for me to kill. I shall decode my own mysteries and flaunt my own head of Goliath. The Lord’s ears are open to my pleadings for mercy; I shall not die with the ungodly. No needed mystery is hidden from me; every mystery that benefits my life is revealed to me.

18 In the time of crisis, I know what to do; I have the wisdom to consult God and plead for mercy. I am a Daniel who appeased God; I am not the chief Baker who knew his fate but lacked the wisdom to approach the God of Joseph for mercy. My God is a deliverer, and I know it.

19 Like Daniel, like me; divine mysteries are revealed to me in visions and I praise the God of heaven.

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