Colossians Chapter 4 (Part)

1 I provide for those whose lives hang on me what is right and fair, because I know that I also have a Master in heaven.

2 I devote myself to prayer; I am watchful and thankful.

3 God opens doors for my message, and I proclaim the mystery of Christ.

4 I proclaim it clearly, as I should.

5 I am wise in the way I act toward outsid- ers; I redeem the time. I have the grace to call back my time; because my God dwells outside of time, and can rewind it or fast forward it for me! Therefore, no opportunity is lost for me, because the Lord redeems my time. Therefore, I will not be left behind and neither will time run out on me. Mine is divinely guided steps and appointed timing of God.

6 My conversation is always full of grace, seasoned with salt, and I know how to answer everyone.

7 I am very dear, a faithful minister, and fellow servant in the Lord.

12 I stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured.

17 I see to it that I complete the work I have received in the Lord…

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