3 John

1 I love people in the truth.

2 I prosper in all things and I am as healthy in body as I am strong in spirit.

3 I am faithful to the truth and continue to walk in the truth.

4 My children walk in the truth to my greatest joy.

5 I am faithful in what I do for my fellow Christian ministers, even if they are strangers to me.

6 I support them in a manner worthy of God.

7 It is for the sake of the Name that they go out, receiving no help from unbelievers.

8 I, therefore, show hospitality to such men so that we may work together for the truth.

9 I am not Diotrephes who loves to be first. I don’t promote myself or hinder others from fulfilling their God-given visions. I associate with God’s people.

10 I am neither a gossip nor malicious. I welcome my fellow believers. I am hospitality personified. I encourage love and care among God’s people.

11 I don’t imitate what is evil but what is good. I do what is good because I am from God. I do what is good because I have seen God.

12 I am well spoken of by everyone — and even by the truth itself. I also speak well of the upright, and my testimony is true.

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