1 Thessalonians Chapter 3 (Part)
1 I have the grace and wisdom to figure it out, to re-invent myself, to diversify and beat the devil to it.
2 I am God’s fellow worker in spreading the gospel of Christ, and to strengthen and encourage believers in their faith,
3–4 I am not in the dark about challenges that lie ahead; I am fully prepared and empowered by the power of Christ to possess my tomorrow today.

5 I take time to know the state of souls under my care; I take care to see that the tempter does not deceive them and waste all my efforts on them. My fruits remain and will not be wasted by the evil one.

9 I cannot thank God enough in return for all the joy I have in His presence.

10 Night and day I pray most earnestly for opportunity and power to supply what is lacking in the faith of God’s people.

11 My God and Father himself and my Lord Jesus clear the way for me to go places spreading the gospel.

12 The Lord makes my love increase and overflow for God’s people and for everyone else.

13 He strengthens my heart and I will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones…

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