Prayer Lessons On Hannah

Hannah’s life illuminated some deepest truth on the subject of prayer. Through her travails and victory we learn one of the greatest reasons God answers prayers and the fact that our problem may not be from the devil but God’s way of calling us into a higher ground of service and agreement with His cause. An examination of 1 Samuel chapter 1 is sufficient for our purpose.

a.) 1 Sam. 1: 6, 7 says that God and not the devil “Closed” her womb thereby exposing her to the ridicule and taunts of her rival.

b.) Vs 9-10: Finally Hannah could take it no more prompting her to seek the Lord.  As long as we can take it then we will not earnestly seek the Lord.

c.) Vs 11: Hannah finally aligned with God’s program. The fact was that Eli’s sons were evil and God couldn’t work with them. God needed to groom someone to take over from Samuel and Hannah was His choice and reason He closed her womb. God needed an apprentice; Hannah needed a son! Hannah had to identify with God’s need and meet it. As soon as she did this by giving this vow she paved way for her breakthrough. This is another proof that our life is not about ourselves but about God and that at times, we receive tough love from our Heavenly Father. Psalm 35: 27 says, “Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favor my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, let the Lord be magnified, who has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.”

d.) Vs 12-17: Hannah was so intoxicated with sorrow that the prophet mistook her for a drunk. Her heart was so heavy that her voice was choked! Her prayer could be described as “Moving lips, silent voice”. When we get to her point we surely must connect grace.

e.) Vs 18: Hannah’s attitude confirmed faith — she brightened up!

f.)  Vs 20: Samuel was born. His birth was proof that the best way to petition God is to pray His mind! Probing God’s mind for us is the first step in prayer and this is why we need to listen to Him even while praying.

g.)  Vs 24-28: Hannah fulfilled her vows.

The next chapter, 1 Sam. 2: 1-10 shows how much Hannah had grown in the Lord; these ten verses contain one of the best tributes to God in the Bible. In verses 20 & 21, Hannah bore three more sons and two daughters in replacement for Samuel that she gave to the Lord. No one has out-given God; and it will not start with you—because no one can!

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