Parables Of Jesus (in Alphabetical Order)

(Exercise: try joining together into one all written confessions on the parables of our Lord Jesus Christ and see how many areas you need to repent. Repeat severally confessions on every area of your weakness and conclude on deliberate actions to take to correct them; remember that confessions must be backed up with solid actions otherwise it could become mere religiosity).

Canceled debts, Luke 7: 41-43

Cost of discipleship, Luke 14: 28-33

Faithful servant, Luke 12: 42-48

Fig tree, Matthew 24: 32-35; Mark 13: 28-29; Luke 21: 29-31

Good Samaritan, Luke 10: 30-37

The great banquet, Luke 14: 16-24

Growing seed, Mark 4: 26-29

Hidden treasure and pearls, Matthew 13: 44-46

Honor at a banquet, Luke 14: 7-14

Light of the world, Matthew 5: 14-15

Lost coin, Luke 15: 8-10

Lost sheep, Matthew 18: 12-14; Luke 15: 3-7

Mustard seed, Matthew 13: 31-32

New wine in old wineskin, Matthew 9: 16-17; Mark 2: 21-22; Luke 5: 36-39

Net, Matthew 13: 47-50

Obedient servant, Luke 17: 7-10

Persistent friend, Luke 11: 5-8

Persistent widow (unjust judge), Luke 18: 2-8

Pharisee and the tax collector (publican), Luke 18: 10-14

Prodigal (or lost) son, Luke 15: 11-32

Rich fool, Luke 12: 16-21

Rich man and Lazarus, Luke 16: 19-31

Sheep and the goats, Matthew 25: 31-46

Shrewd manager (unjust steward), Luke 16: 1-18

Sower, Matthew 13:1-8, 18-23;Mark 4:3-8, 14-20;Luke 8: 5-8,11-15

Talents, Matthew 25: 14-30

Tenants, Matthew 21: 33-44; Mark 12: 1-12; Luke 20: 9-18

Ten minas (pounds) Luke 19: 11-27

Ten Virgins, Matthew 25: 1-13

Two sons, Matthew 21: 28-31

Unfruitful fig tree, Luke 13: 6-9

Unmerciful servant, Matthew 18: 23-34

Watchful servants, Luke 12: 35-40

Wedding banquet, Matthew 22: 2-14

Weeds, Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43

Wise and foolish builders, Matthew 7: 24-27; Luke 6: 47-49

Workers in the vineyard, Matthew 20: 1-16

Yeast (leaven), Matthew 13: 33; Luke 13: 20-21

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