Miracles Of Christ (in Biblical Order)

(Exercise: can you join together all the confessions in this Bible on the miracles of our Lord Jesus Christ and see how powerful it would be on healing and miracles that you are trusting God for. This is very good for you as an individual and in your ministry to the sick).

a.)   Healing Individuals

Man with leprosy, Matthew 8: 1-4; Mark 1: 40-44; Luke 5: 12-14

Roman centurion’s servant, Matthew 8: 5-13, Luke 7: 1-10

Peter’s mother-in-law, Matthew 8: 14-17; Mark 1: 29-31, Luke 4: 38-39

Two demon possessed men from Gadara, Matthew 8: 28-34

Paralyzed man, Matthew 9: 1-8; Mark 2: 1-12; Luke 5: 17-26

Two blind men, Matthew 9: 27-31

Man mute and possessed, Matthew 9: 32-33

Man blind, mute, and possessed, Matthew 12: 22

Canaanite woman’s daughter, Matthew 15: 21-28

Boy with epilepsy, Matthew 17: 14-18

Two blind men, Matthew 20: 29-34

Man with a shriveled hand, Matthew 12: 9-13; Mark 3: 1-5; Luke 6: 6-11

Man with an evil spirit, Mark 1: 23-26; Luke 4: 33-36

Deaf mute, Mark 7: 31-37

Blind man, Mark 8: 22-26

Bartimaeus, or one blind man, Mark 10: 46-52; Luke 18: 35-43

Woman with bleeding, Luke 8: 43-48

Crippled woman, Luke 13: 11-13

Man with dropsy, Luke 14: 1-4

Ten men with leprosy, Luke 17: 11-19

The high priest’s servant, Luke 22: 50-51

Royal official’s son, John 4: 46-54

Man at the pool of Bethesda, John 5: 1-9

b.)   Control of Nature

Calming of storm, Matthew 8: 22-27; Mark 4: 35-41; Luke 8: 22-25

Feeding of 5, 000, Matthew 14: 1-21; Mark 6: 35-44; Luke 9: 12-17; John 6: 5-15

Walking on water, Matthew 14: 22-23; Mark 6: 45-52; John 6: 16-21

Feeding of 4, 000, Matthew 15:29-39; Mark 8: 1-9

Fish with coin, Matthew 17: 24-27

Fig tree withers, Matthew 21: 18-22; Mark 11: 12-14, 20-26

Huge catch of fish, Luke 5: 1-11; John 21: 1-11

Water into wine, John 2: 1-11

c.)   Raising the Dead

Jairus’ daughter, Mark 5: 22-42

Widow of Nain’s son, Luke 7: 11-15

Lazarus, John 11: 1-44

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