Rabboni Schools

Perhaps you have noticed a negative shift in the church today: teachings are motivational and not doctrinal. Sermons are engaging, scientific, sophisticated and entertaining but lack the power of God and are deficient of eternity values. Born-Again churches have abandoned the whys for hows to the point that it is difficult to identify the so-called Evangelical, Pentecostal and Charismatic churches today based on doctrines and holiness. Believers today like to quote the catchy phrases of their pastors rather than the Word of God; again, most christians nowadays know little or nothing about “the blessed hope” of our Lord’s return or the coming millenium of Christ’s rule or in fact, God’s future plan for His kingdom. The resultant effect of this is that there is a widening gap between the Word of God and church practices today.

However, our Bible school is not programmed to correct these anormalies but to help you discover Biblical truth. We believe that fakery is mutational but truth is constant. Since there are numerous fakes and different strains of falsehood, the only sure way of identifying lies is to know truth very well.

Our curriculum is made up of simple topics that sums up compulsory knowledge of the Word of God. Each course is given out as a research to the students on which a paper must be written and debated in turn. At the end of the course, a Believer would be able to explain the Word of God “wholistically” and in depth while the Minister would be versatile in the work of the ministry, in building Believers and making them relevant to society for the uplift of our Lord Jesus Christ alone. The school thrives on the leading of the Holy Spirit, hybridization and cross-fertilization of renewed minds as well as fellowship with the people of God; therefore, it cherishes feedbacks from its graduants for a lifetime relationship.

The projectile and course duration of each student differs as the school allows for individual speed and availability, however, normal duration is one year. To remain in school, each student must complete, at least one course per month. You can do this course online or through personal schedules where attendance is not restricted to one place.

However, we also have a Prophetic School; an ongoing Bible-style hands-on training school for the “Sons of the prophet” to help people develop in the prophetic grace and mature them in the prophetic ministries. These folks observe the Rev. Emmanuel Baba-Lola and his hosts of friends in the prophetic ministries.

For more information and enrollment please, write: tell@ebaba.org.

Due to the nature of the schools, availability depends on schedules. Please, contact us for information on time schedules for the schools. Apart from material and logistic costs, all our schools are free.

Click here to download free brochure.

Rabboni Bible School

This is designed to prepare our Believers for their future. We simplify Biblical knowledge using topics that reveal great truth and give panoramic view of the Holy Bible. Our school is research-based; students are given research topics after which they debate with us on their findings. Areas of our agreement & disagreements are noted on each topic. By the time you graduate from Rabboni, you already have a thesis. Rabboni helps you to discover the truth and is therefore, not an indoctrinating school.

Rabboni School Registration

    Registration Which Program are you Applying for? Prophetic SchoolBible School
    Title Last Name First Name Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City State/Province/Region Postal/ZipCode Country Date of Birth
    Phone Number Email Preferred Contact Method Gender Marital Status Date of Marriage Maiden Name (If Married) Spouse Name (If Married) Educational Background
    Are you Born Again? If Yes, when did you give your life to Christ Are You Baptized in the Holy Spirit? Do You Speak in Tongues? Do you know how God speaks to you? Your current Church or Fellowship How long have you been a member?
    List all the gifts of the Holy Spirit you have? (if you know them) What do you believe is your ministry or might be your ministry? In what areas are you involved in your church or in other Christian groups? What is Your Expectation from this School?

    Rabboni Bible School Curriculum

    Comprehensive Training on the Bible

    a.) The Holy Bible

    The Bible; history, subdivisions, panoramic view, & how it applies to us.
    Comparative analysis of the OT & NT.
    Classifications of Biblical Doctrines; Cardinal doctrines (including the virgin birth, atoning death, the Holy Trinity,resurrection & Lordship of Christ); elementary doctrines & Situational Doctrines. Also false doctrines; sources & reasons.
    The greatest revelation and the greatest promise in the Holy Bible.

    b.) The God of the Holy Bible

    God: His self-revelations & manifestations (His names, nature: power, Word, work, love, mercy, purpose, timeless life, principle of reciprocity, justice, and judgement, etc.) – Why Christ was sacrificed.
    Levels & Categories of judgement.
    The character & ministry of the word of God
    The Holy Spirit: His divinity, dispensation, Purpose, fruit, gifts, & Anointing and categories of the Anointing.
    The character & ministry of the word of God – how to relate to the word of God.
    The Covenant & Relationship God: Abrahamic covenants, Enoch, Moses, & Elijah.
    Giving & Sacrifices

    c.) The Fall & Redemption of man

    The creation of man: his nature, essence, dominion, fall, & rescue (salvation, miracles, deliverance healings, signs & wonders)
    Sin: Origin & Consequences (image & likeness of God)
    Spiritual Authority; Blessings & Curses.

    d.) God’s Institutions: Family, Church, & Government

    The Christian Marriage; governing laws, human traditions, child rearing & development, divorce & remarriage, modern challenges, etc.
    Church: the body of Christ: Unity, fakery, & falsehood.
    Preparing the Youths for their future: parental responsibilities.
    Leadership; NT vs OT
    Governments & world system: occultism & satanic control
    Maladies of civilization: The religion of Evolution, Sexual perversions, anti-God societal ethics, etc.

    e.) Christianity

    Church history & persecutions.
    The three pillars of the Christian faith (the grace of Christ, the love of God, & the fellowship of the Holy Spirit).
    Faith: types, fruit-faith, gift-faith. Confessions & how faith comes & works.
    The Holy Communion.
    Divine patrimony; heritage & inheritance in Christ.
    Ministry gifts.
    Knowledge, Wisdom & God’s approval.
    Discipline; personal conventions & communiqué
    Walking and living by revelation: knowing God’s voice and obeying Him.
    Salvation Package: righteousness, holiness, dominion restoration, divine health/healing, satisfaction, eternal life, peace, and obedience.
    Personal relationship with God: Worship, Prayer, and Christian meditation.
    The deception & baits of Satan.
    Old Testament practices today in the New Testament church ( Human traditions; sources & reasons)
    Adulterated NT practices in the church today.
    The Islamic Challenge.
    Comparative analysis of major world religions. Lies against the Holy Bible and Christianity.

    f.) Ministry & the Great commission

    The gospel of christ and Apostolic Church planting.
    The great commission: Missions & World Evangelization (including the Adamic & Christian mandate).
    Faithfulness & God’s reward system.
    Money; false and true riches.
    Obedience, loyalty & good success.
    How to prepare messages & Bible Study.
    Gospel communication: Hermeneutics (the science of interpretation), Homiletics (the art of preaching), and Apologetics (the proof of preaching). We must be hermeneutically accurate, homiletically natural, and apologetically convincing.

    g.) Eschatology              

    Demonology – Satan; god of this world?
    Eschatology & the Blessed hope.
    The Christian Heaven.

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