Marital Confessions To Get A Spouse

As the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.” Therefore, I refuse to be alone and I shall not be alone; I shall not be without a helper because my helper is already created. I shall meet him and he will recognize me and accept me Gen. 2: 18-25.

I dominate my situation and name my environment; like Adam, whatsoever I call a thing is what it is. There is found a helper suitable for me; I shall not be lonely in the vast ocean of humanity. I am a priceless wife-in-waiting; I am an honorable part of (put his pet name). I will protect my (put his pet name), cherish him, respect him, and love him. I am my (put his pet name)’s bone of bones and flesh of flesh; I am his woman, for I was taken out of him. Therefore, he will not go to another woman or be distracted or shielded from me. For this reason, my (his pet name) will leave his father and mother and unite with me and become one flesh with me. (Pet name) and I will be mutually naked and feel no shame Genesis 24:42-53 KJV. I lean not on my own understanding or trust in abundance of riches. The more I have, the more I pray. The Lord grants success to my journeys. I will locate my well of contact and grace. The Lord God of my father Abraham prospers every step a take. My suitor comes to where I stand by the well of grace; he comes out to draw from the same well where I stand and over me is his love, loyalty, and faithfulness. The man God has chosen for me is discernible, kind to me, and cares all about me. (Pet name) comes to me before my prayer is done; he is a priceless blessing and not a throphy; he is God’s amazing answer to my prayers. He pays rasp attention to me. When he sees me, he blushes; he is enamored at my words. I have a foretaste of conjugal love and marital bliss. He celebrates me as a daughter of Zion: his humility is gold that adorns my face; his meekness is the adoring bracelets on my hands. I bow down my head and worship the Lord.  I praise the LORD, the God of my father Abraham, who leads me on the right road to get a husband). My own blessing does not go to another; my life partner goes with me. I shall increase to thousands upon thousands; my offspring shall possess the gates of their enemies. It is my habit to seek the face of God; I prayerfully meditate in His word. When I delegate duties, I pick up the prayer responsibility. (Pet name) is a source of comfort, not grief. I love him and he is a husband indeed Esther 2:12-18 NKJV. I have completed my time of preparation, both spiritually, socially, and biologically. I smell of myrrh, perfumes, and love. I am presented in the palace of love where all eyes welcome me. In the evening I flaunt grace and in the morning I am enrapturing. (Pet name), the king of my conjugal love is delighted in me and calls for me by name. It is my time to marry, I am the confluent point where God’s grace, favor, mesmerizing beauty, and God’s aura meet.  I obtain favor in the sight of all who see me. Therefore, I hereby enter majestically into my marital destiny as a godly wife with frightful candor. (Pet name) adores me with kingly love; I am the Queen of his heart. I surpass a million women and obtain grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins; so he sets the royal crown upon my head and made me the one and only queen. Therefore, events and scenes happen to favor me. Whoever occupies my God-given position shall not keep it. Whoever holds my scepter shall not maintain it. Whoever sits in my place gets his or her butts burnt up. My position, scepter, my seat, and glory come to me alone. They don’t depart from me because it is the word and purpose of the LORD for me. Whoever stands on my high hill is liable to errors and disgrace divinely arranged. There is no short-changing me, there is no destabilizing me, and there is no blocking me Luke 1:26-38. Many virgins were in Israel in the time of Mary mother of Jesus but she was chosen. Like Mary, I am the one chosen by God for special and extraordinary favor. I am highly favored! The Lord is with me. I am not afraid; I have found favor with God. The Lord Jesus Christ is great and the only begotten Son of God the Most High. I have given Him the throne of my heart, and He reigns over my life forever; His kingdom never ends. The Holy Spirit lives in me, and the power of the Most High overshadows me. I bear the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit flow unhindered in my life. Elizabeth, relative of Mary, had a child in her old age; I shall have my own children because the God of Elizabeth is my God. For with God nothing shall be impossible. I am the Lord’s servant. It happens to me according to the word of God Gen. 39: 9-23. No seduction, no lewdness, no overture, no body language, no peer pressure, nothing above, and nothing below lures me into immorality. No man is macho enough, crafty enough, valuable enough, and attractive enough to pull me out of God’s love into sex-rebellion. I don’t bask in wickedness or indulge in pleasures of sin against God. I refuse to go to bed with someone not my spouse. I am too wise to lie on an adulterous bed. I will not have sex at the expense of eternity with God. I remain chaste for Christ, whatever it takes. Circumstances serve me; events work in my favor. When forces rise up against me, they put me in a vantage position for God’s program in my life. Wherever God is, heaven is. Therefore, it is impossible to imprison me because the LORD is with me. He shows me kindness and grants me favor in the eyes of those who matter anywhere I find myself. Wherever I am, I am in charge. I can be the head only. Unfavorable attention is diverted away from me because the LORD is with me and gives me success in whatever I do.

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