Coveting the Gifts Of the Spirit

Today our churches are full of pulpit artists and entertainers — and I mean no insult — who are extremely eloquent and full of plausible words of human wisdom but are devoid of the power of God. Paul however, said his ministry is done by the demonstrations of the Spirit and power of God (1 Cor. 2: 4-7).  Without the gifts of the Holy Spirit we are ordinary indeed in the service of God. The Bible says to covet the best gifts (1 Cor. 12: 31) and that the Holy Spirit distributes His gifts as He wills. Most importantly, notice that gifts are not earned; therefore, the gifts are not confirmation of our maturity or higher standing before the Lord. The book of 1 Cor. 12: 8-10 states nine gifts of the Spirit while verse 4-6 describe them as “different gifts, one source; diverse kinds of ministries, same Lord; different kinds of workings, but the same God at work”.  Lastly, verse 7 says the gifts are not ornamental but meant for His Royal service. Which of the gifts do you need to function in your position today? You can receive them from God now.

  1. The word of wisdom: wisdom means “to know how”. Therefore, the word of wisdom is the word God gives you to know what to do in a situation. It is a solution gift and must have for leaders.

  2. The word of knowledge: knowledge means “information”. Therefore, the word of knowledge is the information God gives you about what has happened or is happening; the gift leaves you to figure it out.

  3. Faith: This is a higher level of faith than the fruit-faith. To him that has faith, all things are possible making it the greatest of all. It makes you to stand up to unusual challenges firmly because you are sure the Lord will do it.

  4. The gifts of healing(s): this is a wide variety of gifts covering healing of every category of sicknesses and diseases including casting out of demons. This gift is usually disease-specific and the reason some can get the lame to walk but hardly can open a blind eye.

  5. The working of miracles: the gift that brings God’s power to over-write physical laws like Jesus working on water. While healing is restorative, the working of miracle is creative and the gifts responsible when the man born without eyes suddenly received new eyes.

  6. Prophecy: the gift that tells us what will happen in the future and at times, tells us how they will happen. If the information includes what to do then it is more than just prophecy but is in fact, the word of wisdom. Note how closely linked #s 1, 2 and 6 are.

  7. Discerning of spirits: this is ability to see into the spirit realm and distinguish God’s activity from satanic activity. This gift covers dreams, visions, trances, open vision or strongly “know so”.

  8. Various kinds of tongues: This is the first operating gifts at Pentecost because 1 Cor. 14: 2 says when we speak in tongues only God understands us but their tongues were understood. This is a missionary gift, Pentecost style. It is possible again.

  9. Interpretation of tongues: this gift decodes what the Spirit is praying for us. It is an edifying gift like prophesy. Combined with prophecy and the word of knowledge, it brings the fear of God to our services as the secrets of people’s hearts are revealed (1 Cor. 14: 24-25).

Exercise: can you build a confession that helps you to covet all these nine gifts? Shalom.

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