The Communion Of The Holy Spirit

“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the ­communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen” (2 Cor. 13: 14, KJV).

A lot is talked about the Holy Spirit in the church today but usually not about His person but about the gifts we can receive from Him; and this is very sad indeed because we are missing out on the most important aspect which is to know Him. From our perspective on earth, the above scripture puts each of the Godhead in His respective office: the Father occupies the office of love; without Him sending our Lord, He wouldn’t come to die for us (John 3: 16). The son occupies the office of grace; He is the one that paid the price for our sins through ridicule and excruciating death on the cross. However, both the Father and the Son are in Heaven; the only one here with us now is the Holy Spirit who occupies the office of communion or fellowship. Without Him we cannot access the Father’s love or the Son’s grace. No one can bypass the Holy Spirit to get anything from God.

Not to know the voice of the Holy Spirit or His character is to struggle in our Christian living. Number one thing to know about Him is that He is divine and holy; if you are not ready to live clean then you are not ready for Him. Thankfully, He will not reject you because you’re still struggling with sin but will not condone it nonetheless. The second thing to know is that He is our divine official stamp of approval (Eph. 4: 30); He therefore contends with us when we sin but if we refuse to change then He lets us alone, meaning that in that particular sin, our hearts have been seared with a hot iron and we’re awaiting judgment (1 Tim. 4: 2). Thirdly, we must know that the Holy Spirit is not our adviser but our Commander-in-Chief; His voice must be obeyed promptly and totally. He is the one that makes it possible for God to have a personal relationship with us. Notice what He did to Christ when on earth “And immediately the Spirit drove him into the wilderness” (Mark 1: 12). Well, you now know that our Lord didn’t want to go to the wilderness but the Holy Spirit “drove” Him — and He will drive you too to do God’s will.

It is great to carry His anointing and work for Him; however, remember that God’s ­sovereignty dictates that He can use any creature, in fact, He sent a demon on errand (2 Chr. 18: 18-22), anointed Cyrus an unbeliever, called Nebuchadnezzar an idol worshipper His servant (Jer. 27: 6), sent ravens on assignment (1 Kings 17: 6) and spoke through a donkey (Num. 22: 28-30). What is more distinguishing is the grace of knowing His deep secrets, being His confidant and enjoying His revelations. This is only possible when we are fond of Him; when we depend on Him totally and avoid sin. Anointing is the heat of the Holy Spirit but revelation is His light. Anointing puts us in the “Acts” of the Lord but grace puts us in His “Ways”. We need both and should target our confessions towards achieving them.

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