Delivering The Land

It is very clear that Satan has his own governmental structures over different regions of the world. Apart from what the “Prince of Persia” did to Daniel’s prayer in the Old Testament, we of course, read the following in the New Testament:

“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. 13Therefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand” (Eph. 6: 11-13).

In this passage alone, we are in a spiritual combat with four levels of satanic government on our beautiful planet: Principalities (Rulers), Powers (authorities), Rulers of the darkness of this world, and Spiritual wickedness in heavenly places.

Today, I know friends whose ministries are solely dedicated to what is called “Delivering the land”; a situation whereby they attack demons resident in rocks, trees, rivers, ancient buildings & castles, etc. and cast them out. Our purpose here is prayer and not theology; but I noticed that these guys often leave out the most dangerous demons of all, i.e. the ones inhabiting human beings! They cast out demons from these sites but will not couple it with preaching the gospel.

The only way Christ taught us to truly deliver the world is by preaching His gospel to every nation. In doing this, prayer is very important but not enough. We must preach the gospel of Christ to them and show them the love of God. It is not about being religious but about obedience to our Lord’s command.

Salvation is a gift which must be accepted because Christ has paid the price for all kinds of sins. We may therefore role on the floor and “Confess the sins of our forefathers” like Daniel but the most important thing is to preach the gospel of Christ because without the people giving their lives to Christ, the demons cast out of the rocks and rivers will surely come back — Christ said that when they are dispossessed of their habitat they always come back to try repossession.

Delivering the land in the New Testament is all about people and not demons; of course, I know Satan blindfolds people but that is what the gospel does — removing blindfolds. Philip “Delivered” Samaria by preaching the gospel of Christ. Paul said that the gospel of Christ is “God’s power to salvation” from any bondage (Rom. 1: 16). We must reject Satan’s distraction from the great commission of world evangelization. The problems in the world today are great opportunities to preaching the gospel because if we identify with the people’s troubles then we earn their attention; and that is all we need.

Are you thirsty for souls? Can you identify sinners in your neighborhood, city and nation? What are you doing to them? We must pray for souls AND go after them with the gospel. I challenge you to develop a confession on winning souls. You can put the names of people you are trusting God to lead to Christ and make everyday pronouncements that they shall be saved. This is why God has given us a confessional prayer Bible. Let us deliver the land Paul’s way (Rom. 15: 19).

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