
The issue of healing has been needlessly contentious with some claiming that God heals no more and they always want to discredit healing ministries. Again, there are healing ministers who because of their gifting and people’s demand for them go into unhealthy forms of fund raising that opens them to further attacks from the anti-healing folks.

One major source of attack on us that believe that God still heals is that we also get sick. This is a bit surprising because we all read in the Bible how Elisha died of sickness, despite of his healing ministry. This same group of theologians will not argue that God doesn’t save from sin anymore because believers still stumble into sin today. The Word of God is self-immutable and nothing that happens to anyone can disprove it. However, Isa. 61: 1-3 let us know that the anointing that one carries is meant to set somebody else free, not the carrier. The anointing benefits the carrier in the area of protection and provision but not in the nitty-gritty of the purpose of that anointing. The Just, the Bible says, shall live by faith. Well, I’m yet to come across a poor person that doesn’t believe that God heals and is involved in the affairs of men.

Another area of attack on the healing ministry is some popular teachings from some big healing ministers that suggest that you have to deny reality by confessing that you are not sick in order to obtain your healing. Well, we don’t have to deny as we only need to reject the sickness by affirming the word of God that we are healed.

Nevertheless, kindly note that much of our sicknesses today directly come from our feeding habits and lifestyle. We owe it to God to nurture our body rightly otherwise, we have ourselves to blame. A woman once brought her son suffering from kwashiorkor for healing! I think the anointing to cast out that demon fully resides in good food. Our confessions must be backed up with necessary actions otherwise they are none and void.

Lastly, we have God’s promises for our healing in the Bible, and nowhere is it written that God has stopped healing people. In Isa. 53: 4-6 the salvation package was clearly stated to include our healing, “…with his stripes we are healed” Vs 5. I advise that you don’t wait till you are sick before you begin to affirm your divine health in Christ or before you begin to do exercises and eat healthy foods. It is gross indiscipline for men to look like pregnant women; we are eating too much in this generation. I believe that one of the demons ravaging the developed world today is the demon of gluttony; always pushing people to dig their graves with their mouths.

It is a good practice to speak the word of God to every organ of our body that it will not fail us and affirming the word of God that we are healed and will not fall into sickness. Prevention is better than cure; therefore, it is better to pre-pray in faith that we shall not fall sick by His grace.

As always recommended, please, use a Bible concordance to select healing passages and then write out their confessions equivalent in this Bible into one flowing confession. Always stand on your rights without letting Satan deceive you that God is not concerned about us again. The truth is He does.

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