1 Samuel 11

1 I don’t appease the devil — it is an abomination. I don’t despise God by attempting to make peace with His enemy. If it is the devil, I don’t trust, fear, or respect him at all. I am confident of the power of God to protect me against my worst enemies and situations.
2 I am irreconcilable with the devil; he will not have me able to serve God, and I am an incurable worshipper of God.
3 Surrendering to the devil is an insult to my God; He is too powerful to lose me; I am too satisfied and bonded to Him to quit on Him.
5 I am sensitive to the problem of the peo- ple.
6 Problems trigger on the Spirit of God in me with power; I burn with anger and swallow the situation.
7 I take inspired actions. The terror of the LORD falls on the people, and they turn out as one man to serve the cause of God.
9 I am not without help; the Most High God steps to my situation because He is my God and I am His property

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