Joshua 2 (Part)

9 I recognize favor and God-given escape route; I know the program of God for my time. God’s presence in my life is effervescent; it paralyzes the devil and his incarnates; they melt down in fear before I lift a finger.

10 God’s care for my life makes the news; I am a specimen of the grace of God.

11 News about me worries the devil and his kingdom. When they hear of me, their hearts sink and everyone’s courage fail because of me, for the LORD my God is God in heaven above and on the earth below.

12 I don’t fail when kindness matters most; I show kindness and I receive it.

13 My life is secure in Christ, my family’s peace is alarm-free, and my posterity will enjoy a heritage of peaceful and divinely guarded long life — if the Lord tarries. I have the gift of recognition. I recognize the purpose and will of God. I recognize the move of the Holy Spirit and identify with it.

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