Leviticus 2 (Part)

1. I am gratitude personified; and I cannot help it because God is gracious non-stop. I worship the Lord not only in words and service, but also in Kind. I give to the Lord offerings of gratitude; a show of joy, a grain of my satisfaction, a token of my love and everlasting indebtedness.

9. I am God’s property and I own nothing independent of Him. In recognition of this, I give presents to God. My gifts are offerings made by fire, aromas pleasing to the LORD.

10. I am God’s property enjoying God’s portion; I live on God’s divine goodness and provision.

11. My offering to the Lord is acceptable. God cannot be bribed; He owns everything. Therefore, my offering to Him is a product of worship and above corruption.

12. My offerings are blessed and my sacrifices are His pleasing aromas.

13. My offerings are covenant gifts; they unlock the blessings of God’s covenant in Christ.

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