Breaking the Nine Types of Curses

I have identified nine types of curses needlessly ravaging people worldwide because Christ has delivered us but many are held bound due to ignorance and sin. You have to point your confessions at these if you are afflicted. (See my book, “Blessings and Curses — the control buttons” for more).

  1. Associative Curses: This operates through yoking and soul bonding.  Yoke deals with legal relationships like marriage and business while soul bonding deals mainly with sexual lust that often develops through closeness. “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” II Cor. 6:14
  2. Hanging Curses: examples of this are the curse Joshua placed on whoever would rebuild Jericho (Josh. 6:26); the order God placed on illegitimate children (Deut 23:2);  God’s curses on enemies of Israel (Gen.12: 3), curses on heretics and those who tamper with Scriptural contents (Gal.1: 9; Rev.22: 18,19).
  3. Selective Curses: this is an additional traits to some curses; examples are seen in 2 kings 2: 23, 23 where Prophet Elisha cursed some unruly kids, but not all of them paid for it; when God sent the destroyer (angel) to Israel (Chr.21: 14, 15) killing several and leaving others;   in the rebellion against Moses, Abiram and Dathan died with their sons but the sons of Korah were spared (Num. 16: 1-33; 26:11).
  4. Malicious Curses: An example of this is the curse Goliath and Shimei placed on David (1 Sam. 17:43, 1Kings.2: 8).  This curse will not land but can bring worry to the uninformed.
  5. Malignant Blessing (Mal. 2: 1, 2): This is a blessing turned to a curse; what should give satisfaction results in pain and burden. This is the curse that ensnares property whereby the rich misses God because of his possessions (Mark 10: 24, 25). Wealth becomes the greatest curse when we have it independent of God because God runs a kingdom where everything and everybody is a property of the king.  (Also read Num.11: 33).
  6. Indirect Curses: An example of this was when God cursed the ground for Adam’s sake. Satan often curses people’s properties if he can’t curse them directly (See page 268).
  7. Circumstantial Curses: Satan has the habit of creating outlets for curses through disasters such as wars, mutiny, disunity, child abuse, slavery etc. Take war for example; bloodletting, rape, arson, looting, even cannibalism, drugs etc., are the order.  We all know the damage slavery has done to the black race. Child abuse and childhood traumas have produced sadistic spouses, sexual abusers, sexual deviates, and other social deviates.
  8. Ancestral Curses: Why should I suffer for the sin of Adam? Heb. 7: 9, 10 explains why: an unborn child is a direct partaker of his/her father’s actions as far as the spirit realm is concerned. This is why Christians suffer under ancestral curses; yes “all things are passed away” (2 Cor. 5: 17) but your commitments must be fixed, e.g. if you owe money before you got born-again you remain indebted after.
  9. Territorial Curses (Dan. 10: 12-13): One can look into a territory and pinpoint the kinds of curses plaguing the people. Also read Lev. 18: 24-25; Matt. 11: 20-24.
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