Habakkuk Chapter 1(Part)
2 Immediately, I call for help, the Sovereign Lord answers and comes to my rescue.
3 He will not let me look at injustice; such misery He will not endure. When I am involved, He does not tolerate wrong. Destruction and violence are not condoned before me; there may be strife, yes, and even conflict, but they are not tolerated.
4 Often times, the law is paralyzed, but for me, justice never fails because the Sovereign Lord is my defender. The wicked often hem in the righteous, but for me justice is never perverted.
5 The Lord is jealous of me, therefore I cannot suffer unpleasant surprises; the Lord takes care of sudden attacks and evil machinations against me.
6 The Lord is with me and I can and do smile at the storms. When Satan plans big against me, when he raises up the cruel and violent people, who comes across to seize properties not their own;
7 Those without conscience and without shame, lawless and remorseless;

8 when he unleashes his demons as hot as hell and as swift as thunder; passing through barriers effortlessly without breaking them — invincible as invisible,

9 all bent on violence; yet I shall not be shaken or perturbed because greater is He that is in me than the devil that is against me. Though Satan’s hordes advance like a desert wind and gather prisoners like sand, my case is different; in Christ, I have a lordship over Satan and lifted up above his power, deceit and evil.

10 So I spit on Satan and laugh at his demons; I stand my ground for God’s kingdom and its righteousness…

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