Nahum Chapter 3

1 I am blessed; I am not bloody but full of truth, full of kindness, full of good works and never without beneficiaries.

2 Always lending hands, always feeding the hungry and strengthening the weak.

3 From coast to coast, binding wounds, putting smiles on sad faces, healing the sick and raising the dead; saving souls without number and establishing Christ’s kingdom everywhere

4 all because of the love of God and the heavenly calling, praising the Lord of the universe, the giver of life and Father of grace and tender mercies, who sent His only begotten son to save the world from sin, deprivation and wickedness.

5 The Lord Almighty is for me; He covers my nakedness and protects me from shame.

6 The Lord sanctifies me; His honor rests on me and makes me the one to envy.

7 All who see me admire me; I am the one to copy and the benchmark of God’s amazing grace.

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