Jonah Chapter 3

1 The word of the Lord comes to me and I obey at once.

2 The Sovereign Lord gives me my mes- sage; I am a voice for the Lord and not an echo of another’s message.

3 I will not wait to find myself in the belly of the fish before I obey the Lord. My goal today is to hear His voice and obey it. Whatever God wants from me He gets — when, where, and how He wants it.

4–9 My ministry is successful like Jonah’s. Whole cities and nations respond to my messages like Nineveh. The anointing of the fear of God operates with me; when I speak, the people cling to God in convic- tion and true repentance. The Lord saves nations through His word from my mouth.

10 The fruit of my ministry commands God’s compassion — genuine repentance and total turnaround from evil to righteousness…

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