Matthew Chapter 1 (Part)
1 I will not forget my root because it reveals God’s grace on my life; however, my pride and identity is in the Lord.

5 My background is not a hindrance to God’s purpose for my life, the God of Rahab the harlot has lifted me above the pull of my sinful past; the God of Ruth will not allow ancestral curses to catch up with me (see Josh 6: 17–26; Deut. 23: 3; Ruth 1: 22).

6 The God that pardoned Bathsheba, mother of King Solomon, will deliver me from the negative effects and albatross of sin (2 Sam. 11: 2–4; 12: 24, 25).

18 I am like Mary; many virgins were in Israel but she was chosen. I enjoy God’s exceptionally unique favor. I am a righteous man/woman in Christ.

19 I am righteous and will not expose my spouse to public disgrace.

20–23 I am a citizen of heaven and take no pride in the flesh. If it takes an Angel to order my steps, God will send him. I will not step out of God’s purpose; I am not profane.

24 I don’t struggle with the Lord; I follow His lead and do His bidding.

25 I hold spiritual things sacred; I combine spirit-control with self-control…

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