Malachi Chapter 3 (part)

1 The Lord is a master planner; He prepares His way before He moves, His coming may be sudden but His ways are always well prepared. Therefore, I shall plan my route and organize myself; I shall be ready for sudden surprises

3 I am purified in Christ; the dross is burnt away and I bring offerings to the Lord in righteousness,

4 my offerings are acceptable to the Lord.

5 I am justified through Christ; I will not face judgment like the sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, those who exploit and cheat workers, who oppress the widows and orphans, and deprive foreigners of justice, but do not fear the Lord Almighty.

6 The Lord does not change — the reason I am not and will not be destroyed.

7 I stay with the word of God and keep it; the God of heaven’s Armies is indispensably wonderful.

8 God forbid! I will not struggle to offer gifts and offerings to the Lord — He owns me. The Lord is lovely and wonderful, a great giver and author of life; I give to Him willingly and cheerfully because I know Him. To know God is to surrender all to Him; He is the Lord of my life and of my pocket and resources. To rob God of worship, sacrifices, appreciation, dues, or thanksgiving is to cheat on oneself; I shall not be that stupid.

9 I am under a blessing because I am not robbing my God, sorry, cheating on myself. The Lord is a giver; no one has out-given Him, no one can! He never takes away from me; I give to Him out of loyalty to receive multiplied blessings.

10 I bring more than tithe to the storehouse, that there may be food in the Body of Christ. The Almighty God has never failed the test. He throws open the floodgates of heaven and pours out so much blessing that I have not enough room for it…

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