Ezekiel 4

 1–17 My ministry is the better part of God’s calling; it is the offshoot of Christ’s ministry. Ezekiel was a prophetic animal; his calling was tough and his ministry was rough. His choices were few and he was a prophetic beast of burden. Yet he obeyed the Lord and carried out his assignment faithfully and successfully. I will not allow Ezekiel to rebuke me on that day; I will preach the gospel of Christ no matter what it takes — I shall not complain, be complacent or serve God only in comfort zones. I shall break barriers, break fallow ground, and cross frontiers for Christ my Lord; no door is closed to me, no challenge too strong for me and no opposition too difficult to suppress. I shall preach the gospel of Christ without making excuses. My God-given resources are greater than the task itself; the God who kept Ezekiel immovable on his side for 390 days enables me. I have the anointing, the grace, the wisdom, the passion and the zeal, the veracity, the foresight, hindsight, fore- thought, discernment, divine connections and money to preach the gospel of Christ successfully.

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