Ecclesiastes 4

 1 I am under no one’s oppression; spirit or flesh. The Holy Spirit is my Comforter and God’s power is on my side. I am a source of blessing; I oppress no one and bring no one to tears. I cheat on no one or take advantage of the vulnerable.

2–8 My existence and activities on earth are blessed; I live for God, work for God, own properties and possessions for God. I have all for gain and own nothing independent of God. My greatest possession is God and heaven or earth, I shall not lose Him.

9 I am not alone; I have the blessing and benefits of godly companionship.

10 I am not alone; I have the stabilizing benefit of friendships.

11 I shall not fail to enjoy the warmth of godly companionship; I shall not be lonely in wedlock.

12 I am a team worker; I shall enjoy the benefits of unity.

13 I am wise and kingly; I know how to take warning and will not become senile in faith.

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